Products>Mobile Ed: Kent Edwards Preaching Bundle (4 courses)

Mobile Ed: Kent Edwards Preaching Bundle (4 courses)

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Get better equipped to preach biblical sermons with this 4-course bundle by J. Kent Edwards. Understand the importance of preaching biblical sermons. Learn relevant steps of preparing a sermon including how to move from exegesis to exposition. Recognize important aspects of sermon presentation and delivery. Appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and meditation in sermon preparation. Learn how to appreciate the narrative sections of Scripture and make the stories of the Bible relevant to your congregation.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Summarize the theological, historical, pragmatic, and personal reasons for preaching
  • Discuss the differences between topical preaching and preaching through the Bible
  • Define and explain a “big idea” and discuss the importance of preaching with one
  • Describe the differences between the exegetical, homiletical, and preaching ideas
  • Describe each element of an outline for a sermon on an epistolary text
  • Summarize the importance of non-verbal communication in a sermon
  • Identify and explain the apostolic secret of preaching
  • Utilize the tools of meditation, prayer, and fasting in order to maintain a humble, God-dependent heart when preparing to preach
  • Look deeply into your listeners by understanding their specific needs and then contextualizing and applying your sermons to speak directly to them

Product Details

  • Title: J. Kent Edwards Preaching Bundle
  • Instructor: J. Kent Edwards
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2014-2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 4
  • Video Hours: 26
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
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About the Instructor

Dr. Kent Edwards’ ambition is to change people’s lives with the Word of God and equip others to do the same. Dr. Edwards is known for his passion for preaching, and brings over 30 years of Christian leadership experience, both as a senior pastor and a church planter. He is a popular conference and seminar speaker and regularly lectures nationally and internationally.

Dr. Edwards is the tenured professor of preaching and leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; the founding pastor of Oasis Community Church in Yorba Linda, California; and the founder and president of CrossTalk Global. He directed the Doctor of Ministry programs at Talbot School of Theology and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for 13 years while serving as executive board member of the Association for Doctor of Ministry Education, as well as founder and editor of The Journal of Christian Ministry. Dr. Edwards is past president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, and the author of two award-winning books: Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching (Zondervan, 2005) and Deep Preaching (Broadman & Holman, 2009).

Dr. Edwards earned his Bachelor of Theology from Ambrose University, his MDiv from Tyndale Seminary, his DMin from Denver Seminary, and his PhD in intercultural education from Biola University. His DMin dissertation focused on communicating Old Testament narrative literature, while his PhD dissertation was on effective intercultural leadership.


2 ratings

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  1. Gabriel



  2. Nathan Rice

    Nathan Rice


    I'm working through a couple of Dr. Edward's classes now and thoroughly appreciate his approach to teaching preaching. His presentations are rich with experience and wisdom, compelling in presentation, and highly applicable. As a senior pastor, I am working through these classes and using them to help me further develop as an effective communicator of God's Word.
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Regular price: $779.99
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Starting at $36.63/mo at checkout