Products>Mobile Ed: BI110 How to Read the Bible (2 hour course)

Mobile Ed: BI110 How to Read the Bible (2 hour course)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $110.00
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How to Read the Bible is a course for those who want to move beyond simply devotional reading and begin to explore the depths and richness of Scripture. Dr. Peter Leithart begins with the premise that since God speaks (and writes through inspired authors), those who desire to know Him should learn the discipline of listening. He emphasizes what he calls “spiritual reading” and explains the importance of having mentors and models with Jesus Christ serving as the primary model. Dr. Leithart describes four dimensions of reading—literal, allegorical, moral, and eschatological—which have been in use since the Patristic period and shows how the first three chapters of Genesis provide a framework for nearly all the imagery and conflict through the Bible.

Upon successful completion you should be able to:
  • Discuss whether the Bible has limited authority
  • Explain in what way our actions are an interpretation of Scripture
  • Identify and discuss the three main themes of Scripture
  • Discuss the importance of Genesis 1–3 as an interpretive key to all of Scripture
  • Interpret the apocalyptic language of Matthew 24 and Revelation 13 according to the three-decker cosmos of Genesis 1–3
  • Understand how Adam and Eve serve as recurring types in the progressive unfolding of the story of Scripture


  • Introducing the Speaker and Course

How to Read the Bible

  • God Speaks
  • Spiritual Reading
  • Mentors and Models
  • Reading in Four Dimensions
  • David and Ruth
  • The Imagery of Creation
  • Creation and the End of the World
  • Many Adams
  • Jacob and Samson
  • Many Eves
  • A Woman Clothed with the Sun


  • Conclusion to the Course
  • Title: BI110 How to Read the Bible
  • Instructor: Peter J. Leithart
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 2
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Peter J. Leithart received an AB in English and History from Hillsdale College in 1981, and a Master of Arts in Religion and a Master of Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia in 1986 and 1987, respectively. In 1998 he received his PhD at the University of Cambridge in England. He has served as editor and writer for American Vision in Atlanta, Georgia (1987-1989), and as a pastor of Reformed Heritage Presbyterian Church (now Trinity Presbyterian Church), Birmingham, Alabama from 1989-1995. From 1998-2013, he taught Theology and Literature at New Saint Andrews College and between 2003 and 2013 served as pastor of Trinity Reformed Church. He is currently President of the Theopolis Institute, a pastoral training institute in Birmingham, Alabama.


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Collection value: $110.00
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