Products>Mobile Ed: OT304 Human Discovery in Genesis 2–3 (1.5 hour course)

Mobile Ed: OT304 Human Discovery in Genesis 2–3 (1.5 hour course)

Digital Logos Edition

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In Human Discovery in Genesis 2–3 Dr. Dru Johnson unpacks the stories of Genesis 2 and 3 as interpretive keys for understanding all of Scripture. His analysis of these passages draws on literary aspects of the Hebrew text that he explains in simple, non-technical language to open the meaning of the biblical stories to modern readers. From Johnson’s literary analysis emerges a key paradigm for how to understand the Bible: Whose voice you listen to determines the kinds of actions you’re going to embody, which determine the kinds of things you can know and the kind of people you will become; therefore, it is imperative for the salvation and preservation of humanity to hear and heed the voice of God.

Upon successful completion you should be able to:
  • Explain why using Adam as the name for the man in Genesis 2 can be ambiguous or misleading
  • Describe several ways Hebrew has to intensify an idea in a text
  • Describe how the man finding a helper suitable for him solves the problem of it not being good that the man is alone
  • Recognize that one of the attributes of Hebrew literature is clever wordplay
  • Identify the lesson the story of the talking serpent is to teach us
  • Explain how the phrase “rule over you” spoken to the woman does not necessarily imply federal headship of men over women
  • Explain whether the man’s sin was listening to the woman or disobeying God by eating the forbidden fruit
  • Describe the paradigm that Genesis 2–3 establishes that is thematically repeated throughout Scripture


  • Introducing the Speaker and Course

Unit 1: Genesis 2: Humanity

  • Genesis 2:5–9: Adam the “Dirtling”
  • Genesis 2:10–20: It Is Not Good for the Man to Be Alone
  • Genesis 2:21–25: God Constructs Eve from Adam

Unit 2: Genesis 3: The Fall

  • Genesis 3:1a: Not Naked and Ashamed—Yet
  • Genesis 3:1b–5: The Serpent and Eve
  • Genesis 3:6–7: They Took and Ate
  • Genesis 3:8–13: Trying to Avoid Responsibility
  • Genesis 3:14–16: Cursing the Serpent and Addressing the Woman
  • Genesis 3:17–19: Cursing the Man
  • Genesis 3:20–24: Expelled from the Garden

Conclusions from the Course

  • What Have We Learned?
  • Title: Human Discovery in Genesis 2–3
  • Instructor: Dru Johnson
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 1.5
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Dru Johnson (Ph.D. University of Saint Andrews–Scotland) is associate professor of biblical and theological studies at The King’s College in New York City. He is currently a research fellow in the Logos Institute at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and formerly the co-chair for the Hebrew Bible and Philosophy program unit in the Society of Biblical Literature. He has taught in Western Kenya, Guatemala, and Brazil. He is currently ordained in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and worships at Comunidade Cristã Presbiteriana in Newark, NJ.


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