Products>Mobile Ed: TH381 Perspectives on Hell: Four Views (4 hour course)

Mobile Ed: TH381 Perspectives on Hell: Four Views (4 hour course)

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The doctrine of hell is one of the most mysterious and controversial of all Christian doctrines. The exact nature of the punishment for those who do not profess faith in Jesus Christ is debated. In this course, four leading scholars present the distinct features and biblical basis of their particular view:

  • R. Albert Mohler Jr.—An Eternal Conscious Torment Perspective
  • Joel Willitts—An Annihilationist or Conditional Immortality Perspective
  • Ralph Martin—A Roman Catholic Perspective
  • Robin A. Parry—A Universalist Perspective

Each speaker explores the nature of divine punishment of sin and examines how hell is described throughout Scripture. They answer questions about God’s presence in hell, Jesus’s descension to hell after his crucifixion, and the idea of purgatory. In addition to the four positions listed above, Gerald L. Bray begins the course with a summary of how the early church wrestled with the idea of hell. This course will provide you with a better understanding of the different positions Christians hold regarding hell and eternal punishment as well as a renewed appreciation for the saving work of Jesus Christ.

Upon successful completion you should be able to:
  • Summarize each of the four perspectives
  • Define the different words used to describe hell in the Bible
  • Explain the imagery used for hell in scripture
  • Describe possible interpretations of Jesus’s descension to hell
  • Articulate an understanding of the concept of purgatory
  • Discuss the implications of each different perspective on hell

Introduction by Gerald L. Bray

  • Introducing the Course
  • The Early Church Perspective on Hell

Unit 1: An Eternal Conscious Torment Perspective by R. Albert Mohler Jr

  • Introducing Al Mohler
  • Summary of the Eternal Conscious Torment Perspective
  • Is Hell Eternal?
  • Is Punishment in Hell Conscious?
  • Is Punishment in Hell Torment?
  • Did Jesus Descend to Hell?
  • What about Purgatory?

Unit 2: An Annihilationist Perspective by Joel Willitts

  • Introducing Joel Willitts
  • Summary of the Annihilationist Perspective
  • A Picture of Eternal Punishment
  • Revisiting Biblical Foundations on Hell
  • The Mortality of the Soul
  • The Eternal Nature of Punishment
  • The Fate of the Unsaved in Revelation
  • Final Questions and Conclusion

Unit 3: A Roman Catholic Perspective by Ralph Martin

  • Introducing Ralph Martin
  • Summary of the Roman Catholic Perspective
  • The Implications of Hell and Personal Responsibility
  • How Does the Catholic Church Arrive at Its Teaching?
  • Theological Challenges to the Teaching
  • Final Issues and Summary

Unit 4: A Universalist Perspective by Robin A. Parry

  • Introducing Robin Parry
  • Summary of the Universalist Perspective
  • Why Think God Will Save All People?
  • What Is Hell?
  • How Should We Interpret Biblical Imagery about Hell?
  • Is God Present in Hell?
  • Is Punishment in Hell Eternal?
  • Does Hell Have an Exit?
  • Issues with Eternal Conscious Punishment and Annihilationism
  • Conclusion
  • Title: Perspectives on Hell: Four Views
  • Instructor: R. Albert Mohler Jr., Joel Willitts, Ralph Martin, Robin A. Parry, and Gerald L. Bray
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 4
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    Collection value: $220.00
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    In production