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Mobile Ed: OT344 Book Study: Psalms

Digital Logos Edition

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Join professor and author Dr. Jim Hamilton as he unpacks the biblical and theological themes found in the Psalms. Though commonly read in isolation, Dr. Hamilton argues that the Psalms are best read as a collage that tells a story of God’s faithfulness to his people through his king. After describing his biblical theological hermeneutic for interpreting the Psalms, he provides a breakdown of the five books in the Psalms highlighting and providing commentary on individual or groupings of psalms. This course will give you a fresh appreciation of the Psalms as you learn where they belong in the redemptive story, how they relate to God’s people, and how they find their fulfillment in Jesus.


  • Introducing the Speaker and Course

Unit 1 A Biblical Theological Hermeneutic for Interpreting the Psalms

  • A Biblical Theological Hermeneutic for Interpreting the Psalms
  • Indicators of the Final Editor’s Work
  • The Doxologies of the Ends of the Books of the Psalter
  • Authors to Whom the Psalms Are Attributed
  • Distribution/Changes in Authors at the Seams
  • Overview of the Five Books

Unit 2 Book 1: The Suffering of the Historical David

  • Psalms 1–2 as an Introduction to the Psalter
  • The Lord’s Psalm 2 decree
  • Prospering and Being Wise in Psalms 1–2
  • Psalm 8: Son of Man, Son of David
  • Psalm 12: David’s Exemplary Faith in the Promises of God
  • The Use of Psalm 16 in Acts 2
  • Summary of Psalms 15–24
  • David’s New Exodus in Psalms 18–34

Unit 3 Book 2: The Rein of the Historical David

  • Flow of Thought from Psalms 42–44: Suffering of the People of God
  • Psalm 45: A Love Song for the King, the Wedding Feast for the King
  • Psalms 46–48: The New Jerusalem
  • Psalms 49–50
  • The Suffering that Results from David’s Sin in Psalms 52–59
  • The Projection of the Historical David into the Future: Psalms 57, 60, 108
  • Psalm 68 and Ephesians 4: The Building of the Temple and the Giving of Gifts
  • Psalm 69: Zeal for Your House Has Consumed Me
  • Psalm 72

Unit 4 Book 3: The Fall of the Historical House of David

  • Psalm 73: The Discrepancy between Promise and Reality
  • Psalm 74 and 79: Threats to the Temple
  • Psalm 78: Israel’s Rebellion and Redemption
  • Psalm 80: The Vine Who Is the Son of Man
  • The Future Salvation in Psalms 81–84
  • The Influence of Exodus 34:6–7 in Psalms 25 and 85
  • Psalm 88 and 89: Weeping May Endure for the Night

Unit 5 Book 4: Mosaic Intercession for the Davidic Covenant

  • Overview of the Flow of Thought in Book 4
  • Hope for a Future Davidic King in Psalm 91 and 92
  • Psalms 93–100: The Lord Reigns
  • Psalms 101–103: Davidic Promises, Pain, and Penitence
  • Psalm 104–106: From Creation to Exile

Unit 6 Book 5: The Conquest of the Future David

  • The Connection between Psalms 106–107 and the Implications for Book 5
  • The Conquest of the Davidic King in Psalm 110
  • Psalms 111–117: The Response of Praise to the Conquest of the Davidic King
  • Psalm 118: Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
  • Psalm 119
  • Psalms 120–134: The Psalms of Ascent
  • The Interpretation of Israel’s History in Psalm 135 and 136
  • Psalms 137–145: Babylon and the Final Set of Davidic Psalms
  • Psalms 146–160: At the End of All Things, Praise


  • Conclusion to the Course
  • Title: OT344 Book Study: Psalms
  • Instructor: James M. Hamilton Jr.
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 9
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James M. Hamilton (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and preaching pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church. He is the author of God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment, With the Clouds of Heaven (New Studies in Biblical Theology), and What Is Biblical Theology.


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  1. Tiago Canuto Baia
    This is great!! Thank you for producing it!
  2. Richard Lucian
    Can we get a time frame for this release? I asked a couple of Reps. at Logos and they didn’t know, so I asked Professor Hamilton and he didn’t know either. I really do want to purchase this after starting his commentary on the Psalms.
  3. Christ Follower
    Logos, Is it possible to get a time frame on when this will be released?


Collection value: $495.00
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In production