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Getting to Know Jesus Bible Study

Digital Logos Edition

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Getting to Know Jesus collects the entirety of Glen M. Copple’s critically acclaimed Bible study course. The 160 lessons bring the life and teachings of Jesus to the fore through exhaustive interaction with each gospel account. The lessons include outlines, lesson objectives, commentary on the text, discussion questions, and a comprehensive bibliography. Drawn from over 25 years of teaching on the life of Christ, Glen Copple’s Getting to Know Jesus will help you better understand who Jesus is, what He has done, and how His life and teachings apply to your life today.

Could you accurately answer someone who asked you about Jesus and what He taught? The only way to know Jesus is to study the Bible. In so doing, you become more intimately acquainted with Him. That is the goal of Getting to Know Jesus - to help you participate in a dynamic, personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, so that you may live more like Him.

Getting to Know Jesus is a non-denominational Bible study of the four Gospels on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Not intending to be a theological examination or textual criticism, the study instead seeks to understand the events recorded in the Gospels in practical terms.

Let the Holy Spirit reveal the way to peace and confidence in your life that comes through knowing Jesus. See how a weekly Bible study on the life and teachings of Jesus can enhance your life and relationship with Christ. Getting to Know Jesus will give you a direction and peace not found anywhere else.

Top Highlights

“The Jewish religion survived during this time by becoming a ‘church’ or religion instead of a state or government.) The Greeks prepared the world for the coming of Jesus by giving them a common language and culture.” (Volume 1, Page 27)

“We will insert just a short note here regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Though this is an alcoholic wine, (the Greek word is ‘onios’ which refers to a fermented grape juice or wine), it is not to justify the consumption of alcoholic beverages without regard to the dangers of over-indulgence and/or alcoholism. The Bible does not condemn alcoholic beverages, but it does warn about the dangers of over consumption.” (Volume 5, Page 25)

“Matthew was an Apostle, a Jew and wrote to a Jewish audience. Mark was writing to the Romans under the instruction of the Apostle Peter. Luke wrote to all Gentiles under the direction of the Apostle Paul. John wrote to any that were unbelievers in order that they might believe.” (Volume 1, Page 58)

“The Gospel of Mark seems directed mainly at Rome and was possibly written there. It is also a very active Gospel. Either” (Volume 1, Page 45)

“there is not a sign in the world that Jesus could perform that they would accept” (Volume 17, Page 9)

The "Getting To Know Jesus" Bible study series is Biblically based. The study is set in the historical context of the New Testament times. This fact allows the student to comprehend the intent of the Gospel writers to their audiences. Once that understanding is clear, we can apply their message to ourselves. The format is clear, easy to follow, and allows for an inductive method of Bible study. The student is able to draw his/her own conclusions, but within an appropriate Biblical context.

— Joe Grana, D. Min., Church Ministry Department Chair, Hope International University, Fullerton, CA

Crystal Cathedral has delighted in getting acquainted with New Hope Gospel Ministries and the "Getting to Know Jesus" Bible study program. This program was thoroughly evaluated on our campus by our staff and we recommend it to those who desire to know our Lord more personally. This study is an excellent way to prepare to live eternally with Jesus by "Getting to Know Jesus". Those who enroll in the Bible study will gain new, meaningful, and applicable insights into the life and teachings of our Savior. May God guide and bless you in your labors for His Kingdom.

— Tino Ballesteros, Minister of Christian Education, Crystal Cathedral

The individual lessons are written in a clearly understandable way, yet also reveal that much research and Bible study went into their preparation. Its focus is clearly on the Person and work of Jesus Christ as described in the Gospels. He has avoided introducing interpretations which would limit their use to a specific denominational understanding of the Scriptures, thus making the course of study usable in any mainline Christian Church.

— Pastor Don Ezell, Harbor Christian Center, Wilmington, CA

Reverend Glen Copple has developed a wonderful curriculum that teaches an in-depth study of the life of Jesus. Isaiah 55:11 says, `So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing, whereto I sent it. The word shared in Rev. Copple's material is powerful and true. I recommend the series to those who want to know about Jesus.

— Dr. William J. Peters, Angel Fire Ministries

If you want to saturate yourself in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, now you have a handy tool that will do just that. “Getting To Know Jesus” highlights every event in Christ’s life using both thought-provoking commentary and a harmony of the gospel accounts. Forget laying out all of the resources you have side by side, if you really want to really get to know Jesus, this one will take you there. I am grateful you have negotiated with Logos to have these included in their software resources. This is just what they need – something genuinely usable to the lay people of the world.

— Dr. Woodrow Kroll, President, Back to the Bible International

In my 40 years as senior minister at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, I was reminded almost daily of the importance of Bible study to individual Christians specifically and to the church generally. How else can we know how to live God-honoring lives and build a church that lives out the Great Commission to make disciples? Yet surprisingly, solid, Bible-based curricula was not as plentiful as I would have expected. Glen Copple’s “Getting To Know Jesus” Bible Study helps address that deficiency by providing a superb, comprehensive and effective curriculum for local churches who want to take their members to a new level spiritually.

Here’s what I like about Glen’s series:
  1. It is Bible based. Each lesson focuses on related passages of scripture that illustrate a Biblical principle from the life and teaching of Jesus. Verse-by-verse commentary is provided to help illuminate the lessons from the text.
  2. It engages the student by employing probing questions and involving them in a discussion of the Scripture.
  3. It is creative. The maps, charts and outlines are very helpful in enabling the student to grasp and internalize the topic.
  4. It is practical. As we trained our Adult Bible Fellowship, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry and other teachers at Southeast we emphasized the importance of application in teaching. How else can we expect our students to change their lives and change the culture?
I recommend “Getting To Know Jesus” because this Bible study does exactly that---it helps the participant get to know Jesus in a way that is life changing, church changing, and culture changing.

— Bob Russell, retired Senior Minister, Southwest Christian Church, Louisville, Kentucky

Glen M. Copple (b. 1949) earned his MA in Ministry from Pacific Christian College (now Hope International University) in 1983. Getting to Know Jesus is the product of his over 25 years of preaching and teaching experience in non-denominational churches in Kansas, Missouri, and California. Currently, he is working full-time in this ministry, making Getting to Know Jesus available to whomever wishes to better understand the life and teachings of Jesus.

For more information about Glen Copple and New Hope Gospel Ministries, visit: and


3 ratings

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  1. Dave Thawley

    Dave Thawley


    Very happy with this :-) I use the desktop app and the formatting is great. The web app isn't so clean but it is still usable. What I was hoping for and what the book gives is the ability to type answers to the questions and reflections straight into the logos book (in the desktop app at least). The whole package comes as one book rather than several which works well. This isn't a detailed theology book but great to pull a lot of information together and to get us to reflect on our relationship with out Lord.
  2. Candice Everest
  3. Bill Shewmaker


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