Products>Mobile Ed: TH390 Contextual Theology: Examples from Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (7 hour course)

Mobile Ed: TH390 Contextual Theology: Examples from Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America (7 hour course)

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Contextual theology requires you to take human contact seriously and is an indispensable source of theology. Victor Ezigbo discusses how contextual theology can teach theologians who already do theology from a systematic, historical, or biblical perspective. Ezigbo explores the “ancestor Christologists” in Africa, who look at Jesus Christ as an “ancestor”—someone analagous to the African concept of an ancestor of the spiritual world and the physical world. He explores liberation theologians in South America and their work, including their emphasis on engaging in social action and taking on socio-political problems in their communities. Ezigbo considers Dalit theologians as an example of theology in Asia. These individuals take on the questions that the Dalits—who are considered outcasts in the traditional Hindu system — are asking about the gospel. All of these contextual theologians from around the world have learned that theologians have the responsibility of serving the church — they should identify the needs of the church and address those needs in the ways that people can understand. Contextual theology will help all theologians accomplish this great task.


Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Define the concept of contextual theology
  • Understand the relationship between contextual theology and other forms of theology such as systematic theology, historical theology, and biblical theology
  • Apply the strengths and criticisms associated with contextual theology

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

Unit 1:Introduction to Contextual Theology

  • What Is Contextual Theology?
  • The Contextual Character of Theology
  • The Method of Contextual Theology
  • The Process of Constructing a Theology
  • Three Steps for Doing Contextual Theology
  • Criticisms of Contextual Theology
  • Benefits of Contextual Theology
  • Examples of Contextual Theology

Unit 2:A History of Contextual Theology

  • Contextual Theology before the 1950s
  • African Contextual Theology since the 1950s
  • Latin American Contextual Theology since the 1950s
  • Asian Contextual Theology since the 1950s
  • North American Contextual Theology since the 1950s

Unit 3:Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Christianity in North Africa
  • Major Factors in Bringing the Gospel to Africa
  • Key Assumptions of Western Missionaries in Africa
  • Western Missionary Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Reforming the Church from Within
  • Reforming the Church from Outside
  • Features of African Indigenous Churches (AICs)

Unit 4:African Contextual Christology

  • The Rise of African Christian Theologies
  • Gap and Fulfillment as an African Christological Approach
  • Deconstruction as an African Christological Approach
  • Reconstruction as an African Christological Approach
  • Solution Orientation as an African Christological Approach
  • Communicative and Hermeneutical African Christological Approach
  • Who Is an Ancestor in African Traditions?
  • Ancestors and Christology
  • How Can Jesus Become an African Ancestor?
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Ancestor Christology
  • Revealer Christology
  • Illustrating Revealer Christology
  • The Church Today
  • Learning from African Contextual Theology

Unit 5:Latin American Liberation Theology

  • The Birth of Latin American Liberation Theology
  • The Grassroots Response to Sociopolitical Issues in Latin America
  • Theologians’ Response to Socioeconomic Issues in Latin America
  • Strategies of Latin American Liberation Theologians
  • The Hermeneutics of Liberation Theology
  • Political Characteristics of Liberation Theology
  • Major Theological Themes in Liberation Theology
  • Contributions of Gustavo Gutiérrez to Liberation Theology
  • The Preferential Option for the Poor
  • The Theological Justification of the Preferential Option for the Poor
  • A Summary of Gutiérrez’ Contributions
  • Criticisms of Liberation Theology
  • Responses to Criticisms of Liberation Theology
  • Concluding Reflections on Liberation Theology

Unit 6:Asian Dalit Theology

  • Introduction to Indian Christianity
  • Dalits within the Indian Caste System
  • Why Did Dalit Theology Emerge?
  • Sources of Dalit Theology
  • The Dalit Resistance Movement
  • The Goals of Dalit Christian Theology
  • Contributions of Joshua Gurram to Dalit Christian Theology
  • Concluding Reflections on Dalit Theology

Unit 7:Common Questions

  • Isn’t the Term “Contextual Theology” Redundant?
  • How Does Contextual Theology Relate to Other Theologies?
  • Is There a Place for Universally Binding Theology?
  • What Blind Spots Affect How We Do Contextual Theology?
  • How Can Theologians Develop and Apply Contextual Theology?
  • Are There Different Approaches in Contextual Theology?
  • Is There a Preferred Model of Contextual Theology?


  • Course Summary

Product Details

  • Title: TH390 Contextual Theology: Examples from Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
  • Instructor: Victor Ezigbo
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 7
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About Victor Ezigbo

Victor Ezigbo received his PhD at the University of Edinburgh and is associate professor of systematic and contextual theology at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. His areas of research are Christology, African Christian theologies, African indigenous religions, and world Christianity. He is the founder of The Center for Research in Global Christianity. His recent books include Introducing Christian Theologies: Voices from Global Christian Communities and Re–Imagining African Christologies: Conversing with the Interpretations and Appropriations of Jesus in Contemporary African Christianity.

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